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How Germans Negotiate

logical goals, practical solutions
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Smyser, William R.
Jahr: 2003
Verlag: Washington, United States Institute of Peace Press
Mediengruppe: MONO


StandorteStandort 2StatusVorbestellungenFristBarcodeLageplan
Standorte: PEF 5 Standort 2: Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist: Barcode: 00091125 Lagepläne: Lageplan


Drawing on interviews with dozens of European and American negotiators, How Germans Negotiate explores the roots of contemporary German negotiating behavior and identifies the stages through which negotiations typically pass. Using examples drawn from the past 50 years, Smyser illustrates Germany's abiding search for security, stability, and community. Germans are usually willing to make a mutually beneficial deal, but not before they've undertaken exhaustive research, presented a meticulous case, and satisfied their own demands for conceptual consistency. A separate chapter focuses on business and economic negotiations, which can be very different from diplomatic encounters. Smyser investigates a variety of recent cases, including discussions on global monetary policy and the Daimler-Chrysler talks, and discovers a tension between a traditional "old" style and a more predatory "new" style. The conclusion lays out basic strategies and tactical pointers and explains how to avoid mistakes. (


Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Smyser, William R.
Verfasserangabe: William R. Smyser
Jahr: 2003
Verlag: Washington, United States Institute of Peace Press
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik PEF
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ISBN: 1-929223-40-4
Beschreibung: 246 S.
Schlagwörter: Verhandlungsführung; Nationalcharakter; Politik; Deutsche
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Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: MONO